As of 2023.05.21

According to US Census Bureau:

US Population: 334,786,038

According to Centers for Disease Control (CDC)

Covid-19 Deaths in the US: 1,128,903
(worst case scenario, assuming all were
caused by Covid-19 and no pre-existing conditions)

According to Basic Math

Percentage of US deaths "caused" by Covid-19: %0.337
(again, worst case scenario)

To put this into perspective, and visually compare how many people die each day of other causes: How Many People Die Each Day?

The fact that people are so obsessed with Covid-19 is amazing. It's disturbing that so many people and businesses are blindly giving in to this hysteria. We're living in a state of self-inflicted terrorism.

About Masks:

Covid-19 virus particle size averages 125 nanometers (0.125 microns); the range is .06 microns to .14 microns; one needs an electron microscope to see a Covid-19 virus particle. The hoarded N95 mask filters down to 0.3 microns. So, N95 masks block few, if any, virus particles. This is a simple fact.
To put this into perspective, it's like putting up a chain link fence to keep mosquitoes out of your yard.
   (or, depending on your reasons for wearing a mask, a fence to prevent mosquitoes from leaving your yard)

Please visit the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons for supporting information regarding virus and particle sizes.

Other surgical masks, home-made masks and bandanas do the following:
  1. allow free passage both ways of the virus particles.
  2. they become a warm, damp reservoir of Covid-19 particles in asymptomatic "carriers" (estimated to be 85% of all people tested).
For surgeons, years of training, intimidation, and humiliation teach them to touch nothing but their surgical field. Lay people constantly touch, re-arrange, and manipulate their "masks", inoculating thousands of virus particles onto their bare or gloved hands. So, these masks encourage the transmission. In addition, people are going out with a false sense of security-- thinking they are safe if they wear a mask. However, they are no safer than if they were wearing no mask at all. The only real way to reduce the spread is through social distancing (not the random 6 feet number someone dreamed up, but by staying home and nowhere near other people).

More scientific studies indicating why Masks Don't Work.

Very comprehensive study on the effectiveness of masks: Danish Mask Study.

If you find yourself in a situation where you MUST wear a mask, here's an option: The Incognito Fake Mask.
Since it's been proven that masks don't work, you might as well wear this one and still be able to breath. Also, since there's no criteria defining what a mask really is, it's perfectly valid.

There's this nice tool to help you find the businesses which aren't enforcing the mask hysteria. Please update with your findings as well!
The Mask Map